CALL US TODAY 325-677-2938
Protecting the Big Country for over 40 years.

Security, Fire, Video Surveillance, intercom, access control systems
OSI Security installs the most up-to-date security systems for residential, commercial, industrial, and oilfield applications. We have the best service department in the area. We also offer same-day service! OSI realizes that each customer has very specific needs when it comes to protection. Burglar alarm system customization is very important when it comes to securing your home, business, commercial, or oilfield property and that is an OSI specialty.
With the design team experience and understanding of alarm equipment, OSI offers custom security systems that isolate protection on the most important areas and asset protection. From doors to windows OSI has you covered with peace of mind. Several burglar alarms that OSI has installed, not only protect the inside of the building but outside assets as well.
OSI Security systems provide quick response when seconds count.
OSI can provide a cloud-based security system that can be monitored/controlled from anywhere in the world.
OSI can provide you with a medical alert system that automatically calls for help when you need it fast. The OSI mission is to protect you and yours 24/7 with independent confidence.
OSI can provide door access control equipment, biometrics/proximity readers, and proximity tag/fob access. All systems are designed and installed with expertise and discipline. OSI makes sure that all customers are well trained to get the most out of their systems.
OSI provides you with short or long-term contracts. Please call for a free quote.
Guards & Patrol officers
OSI security officers are available 24 hours a day to handle protection against theft, vandalism, arson, trespassing, workplace violence, employee terminations, office facility security, construction site security, oilfield site security, windmill site security, event security, homeowner association, housing additions, and much more.
OSI service is for environments with strong safety concerns and regulations. All OSI guard and patrol staff are state-licensed armed security officers. Pricing is based on the environment and security needs.
The presence of a uniformed security officer provides a substantial deterrent to criminal and inappropriate activity at the location of the assignment. OSI security officers enforce safety policies, take action against safety hazards, protection of persons and property and takes appropriate action in case of an emergency.

Home Management systems
Our home management systems are great for saving time & energy. You can now easily set and adjust your thermostat turn off or on lights, monitor temperature extremes, open your garage doors, and even turn off the water supply to the house if there is a water leak.
You can monitor your home by simply using your computer or smartphone. You can check cameras, secure an area, and much more with the latest technology. Keep your home more secure with our keyless entry on your home. You can use your phone to lock & unlock your doors. We can also install a video doorbell so you can see who is at the door without even opening it.
Next time you take a vacation, leave confident that your home & belongings are all safe and protected! OSI Security can get you set up with some of the latest technology available. You can easily check on your home from anywhere in the world.
Contact our office for more information on how we can get you, your family, & your home protected.